Thank you Lawrence. On the supply chain issue. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. A monumental effort but stop buying “Made in China”, buy American!

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Lawrence, lead in the form of shot or single bullets when ingested does cause lead poisoning in animals. Particularity affected are water foul that feed off the bottom. I do not agree with banning of hunting but the ban should be on lead projectiles that does result in poisoning.

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The vaccine was made so quickly, the “experts” don’t know the answers, my husband and I had Moderna, a few months later my whole family got Covid, all vaccinated, I had just left the hospital for cancer surgery, my husband nearly died, there are millions of stories like this, the vaccinations didn’t help us at all…we do not trust The government, nor the department of health, nor WHO, nor the NIH…we have caught them all in lies, and they continue to lie , and this is nothing, so many more things….Thankyou for giving the “little guy” a chance to speak, It’s what you have suspected all along we are an extremely unhappy nation….Biden and Harris, what a nightmare on so many levels, hi, and Thankyou!!! Our Government has become dangerous and totally untrustworthy, Best, Jill Kelly

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Thank you Lawrence.

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When faced with the actual stats behind big tech censorship, and the knowledge that Democrats are pushing for even more of it, it really hits home how they are coordinating to launch an all-out assault on free speech and public discourse.

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